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Straightforward Guide to Vietnamese Coffee

Vietnamese coffee is known for its unique preparation method and strong, bold flavors. Here's a straightforward guide to enjoying Vietnamese coffee:


Vietnamese Coffee Beans:

Use a dark roast, typically robusta beans, for an authentic flavor.

Sweetened Condensed Milk:

Traditional Vietnamese coffee often includes sweetened condensed milk, but you can adjust the sweetness to your liking.

Hot Water:

Boiling water for brewing.


Phin Filter:

A small drip filter that fits over your coffee cup. It allows for slow extraction and is a key element in making traditional Vietnamese coffee.

Coffee Cup or Glass:

A vessel to catch the brewed coffee.


Add Condensed Milk:

Place 1-2 tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk at the bottom of your coffee cup or glass. Adjust the amount based on your sweetness preference.

Setup the Phin Filter:

Place the phin filter on top of your coffee cup. Add 2-3 tablespoons of ground coffee into the filter.

Pre-infuse the Coffee:

Pour a small amount of hot water (about 1/4 cup) over the coffee grounds. Allow it to sit for about 20-30 seconds to let the coffee bloom.


After pre-infusion, fill the phin filter with hot water to the top and cover with the lid. The coffee will slowly drip into the cup. This process can take 5-10 minutes.

Stir and Enjoy:

Once the dripping stops, stir the condensed milk and brewed coffee together. Adjust the sweetness and strength according to your taste.


Iced Vietnamese Coffee:

Follow the same steps, but let the coffee cool and pour it over ice for a refreshing iced version.

Egg Coffee (Cà Phê Trứng):

Add a creamy touch by whisking egg yolks, sweetened condensed milk, and sugar until frothy. Spoon this mixture over your brewed coffee.

Coconut Coffee:

Replace condensed milk with coconut milk for a dairy-free alternative.


Experiment with Ratios:

Adjust the amount of coffee and condensed milk to find your perfect balance of strength and sweetness.

Quality Beans Matter:

Invest in good-quality Vietnamese coffee beans for an authentic and flavorful experience.

Patience is Key:

The slow drip process is essential for the unique taste of Vietnamese coffee, so be patient and savor the ritual.

Enjoy your Vietnamese coffee experience! No time to make coffee? Check out these cafes in Hanoi and HCMC!

View of the Dragon Bridge in Da Nang, Vietnam
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